Posts posted by -Tomukas-
Hello Mate
If you want to make money without using any hack,you can develop your skills from the '' Skills '' table in the Main Menu, which makes it easier for you to get more money when you search for jobs and more special shipments come to you as you open your skills.
If you want to earn money by cheating, you can download any of the Cheating Save File available on the Internet.(Please follow this way to install this file: Enter the folder called My Documents > Click on the Euro Truck Simulator 2 > Enter the Profiles file > Paste Save File)
Best Regards,
Suggestion Name:Taking snapshot Screenshot while driving
Suggestion Description:For some technical reasons on many of our friends' computers, it can be very difficult to take a video. As a remedy, it should be taken quickly while driving, so we not going to wait 1 second and take the photo to a snapshot.
Why should it be added?:This feature is very good because some players are not able to capture video from the computer for technical reasons.
Suggestion Name: Weekly bonus job offers
Suggestion Description:Should A weekly bonus job offer for players to come,players are trying so hard to make money,and giving these people a good offer might sound pretty cool.(If you need to give an example: ''Weekly Bonus:300 Mileage Delivery If you finish within 4 hours you will get 1000 Xp and €50,000'') as in the example I gave,many bonuses can be given.that would be pretty fun.
Any example images:No image
Why should it be added?: When people do these deliveries,they really enjoy it.
Bana göre iyi bir güncelleme çünkü bazı arkadaşlarımız insanları rahatsız etmeyi hobi haline getirmiş durumdalar.bu güncellemeyle birlikte bir nebze daha olsun trollemeler felan azaldı.
Eğer 3 ay önce başlasaymışım çeviri ekibi için istek atardım,kötü oldu bu benim için :/ fakat önümüze bakmak lazım ileriki zamanda milletime yardım etmeyi çok istiyorum hayırlısıyla.
Suggestion Name:To write some notes,add the Notepad
Suggestion Description: Having a notepad would really be a good feature because sometimes we can write questions such as what we have delivered/where should I take my next trip...etc,notepad really becomes an important feature.
Any example images:No image
Why should it be added?: Because this feature is useful for many players,players can forget what to do in the future and so this feature would be fine
Suggestion Name: Tyres wear over time after 140kmh speed has elapsed
Suggestion Description: The cause of many accidents is happening because of the speed,as you know, in real life, when the trucks go at high speed, their tyres wear off and eventually explode,tyres will decrease by 1% every 15 minutes when going with 140kmh,for me 15 minutes is enough but you valuable competent friends can change that,of course.
Any example images: no image
Why should it be added?: People become more conscious about this and can take more care to comply with traffic rules.
Problem with connection
in Unsolved Topics
Hello Mate
If your Internet connection and your computer are good, this problem may be because you are not updating some of your drivers. I would recommend to you downloading the program called "Driver Booster", this program will show you all the details of what you need for the game drivers, this program is free to download, I found a site for you and you can download this program very comfortably through this site.
Download Link: Click Here