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Veteran Driver
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Everything posted by freeman21

  1. Thanks a lot for the answers guys! One more quick question, as I don't want to spam the forum: Is there any way to turn off the constant snowing? Single player is fine, but as soon as I join MP, snowing starts. I did 3 jobs each for about 300km and all this time it didn't stop snowing at all. I even turned the "rain option" all the way to lowest setting possible. edit: Found the answer: Press tab. Right click mouse and go to options. Uncheck the seasonal effects and it will stop snowing. Mouse over to the mod tab and uncheck wintermod to remove the winter theme all together.
  2. Only played about 2 hours of ETS2 MPand loving it. I have a question though: I usually have a friend who also plays ETS2. Can we have a common company for both players, or is there any other way to share money/trucks or even do jobs together? Is there any co-op activity that we can do (other than both agreeing just to ride on the same route, at the same time ofc). ? I've read this thread but it seems to be way outdated as the MyVTC website doesn't even exist anymore
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