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ElYefer20 [COL] :3

Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by ElYefer20 [COL] :3

  1. Thanks for follow me ❣️

    1. 'BeatZ.


      Thank you too, for the Follow!

  2. Gracias por seguirme! ?

  3. Hoy es nuestro aniversario en la empresa de logística col, y estoy muy feliz de celebrar este aniversario. ☺️

    1. .Pedro.


      Happy Anniversary #1year ❤️

  4. Thanks for follow me ☺️

  5. Gracias por seguirme @sDev (REC) (G27)

     Brujin :3 ?

  6. What did you guys and girls like today? ?

  7. Thanks for following me Friend ?

  8. Good morning friends, I hope that today is going very well for you and drive carefully hehe ?

    1. Guest


      Thank you so much my friend, I hope you as well. 

  9. I hope everyone had or had a good day ?


    1. Guest


      Cheers, u2 ❤️ 

  10. Buenos Días Compañeros Desde Bogotá (GMT-5)  

  11. Espero que Tengan un buen día todo :3

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