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Veteran Driver V
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Posts posted by reaver_

  1. +1

    That would be a nice feature. Personally I prefer analyzing my recordings and cut the parts to upload and report, but right now I can't, I have to load them one by one while with the new system I can first analyze them and then upload them all together without worrying about the time that will be written in the video.

  2. A cooldown time is necessary but not sufficient.


    5 hours ago, [VIVA] Ali said:

    +1 Definitely agree with you

    The fact that people can play within TruckersMP, break the rules and leave the game and then delete their account avoiding a ban is pretty annoying. Perhaps there could be a system where reports are linked to their Steam ID, so no matter if they delete their account - that Steam ID can have the bans linked. Meaning if they remake their account, the ban is there and starts once the account is created? Not sure if that's possible but would be great to see.


    The bans are already linked to the steam ID because when someone deletes his account and creates a new one, the bans in the old account are switched to the new account.


    A better way to get rid of scoundrels may be to disable deleting an account if that account is logged in-game, and add a STEAM_ID search option, because this ID doesn't change.

  3. Suggestion Name: Kick players with low FPS
    Suggestion Description: Many game servers have a functionality to check players FPS. To make everyone play equal, there should be a minimum FPS to have in-game. If someone has less than minimum FPS (e.g 20 FPS) he will be warned (like the no-light warning during night) and will be kicked if he continues to have low FPS. This check may be limited to players who have some amount of players around (e.g 10 players) or to all players.
    Any example images: Nope.
    Why should it be added?: Playing in normal areas it's highly probable that no one with a decent PC won't have low FPS, but in medium-highly populated areas it's so common to see trucks moving at less than 5 FPS so that you can count their fps (especially in C-D route) and it's so annoying because they are lagging and most of times damage others (we couldn't even report them because would be rejected for "lag").

  4. 12 hours ago, [TSRVTC] DubStepMad said:

    This isn't working now :wacko:

    foreach($data2->response as $ban) {
                            $expiredate = $ban->expiration;
                            $admin = $ban->adminName;
                            $status = $ban->active;
                            if ($status == 0) {
                                echo '<center><p>' . $status . '<p></center>';
                                echo '<center><p>' . $expiredate . '<p></center>';
                                echo '<center><p>' . $admin . '<p></center>';

    Status is only there to make sure I was checking the right thing.


    You have to compare $status with true


    if ($status == true) {
    	// stuff


  5. 5 minutes ago, [TSRVTC] DubStepMad said:

    Mind showing me an example since I still new to using APIs.


    Sure. This should work.


    $data2 = json_decode($json2);
    foreach($data2->response as $ban) {
    	$expiredate = $ban->expiration;
    	$admin = $ban->adminName;
    	echo'<li id="fleet" >';
    	echo "<center><img style='height:auto; width:auto; border:$bcolor;' class='img-circle' src='" . $playerV->avatarfull . "'></center>";
    	echo '<center><p style="margin-top: 65%;">'. $mpname . '<p></center>';
        echo '<center><p style="margin-top: 65%;">'. $expiredate . '<p></center>';


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