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Jamie R

Retired Team Member
 TruckersMP Profile
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Community Answers

  1. Jamie R's post in Where is the 1.37 update ?!?? was marked as the answer   
    Hello there,

    As said above, there is currently no official date as to when TruckersMP will support version 1.37 of American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2. Please remember that the TruckersMP staff team, including the developers, contribute to the modification on a voluntary basis. Additionally, as was also implied above, version 1.37 introduces some extremely game-changing features - e.g. an entirely new sound engine - and thus the transition is made ever the more difficult. Thus, all we are able to do is advise you to remain patient.

    -- --

    To ensure our forum is kept in an organised fashion, could you please let us know if the posts given above have provided you with the answer you were looking for??

    I look forward to hearing from you!

    Kind Regards,
    Jamie R
    Support Team
  2. Jamie R's post in VTC company paint job +convoy was marked as the answer   
    Hello poker151,
    First of all, congratulations on setting up your own VTC! I hope it goes well ?
    In regard to your first question, custom/modded repaints are not supported by TruckersMP in any way. Therefore, in multiplayer, your chosen company repaint will have to consist of a paint scheme already available in the base game (you can edit the colours to your preference of course).
    As for your second question, the easiest way to sync jobs between you and your friends would be to either use ‘External Contracts’ or ‘External Market’ as these markets are synced between users. Note, ‘External Market’ will require you and your friends to have the same type of ownable trailer in order to display synced jobs. Also, if a user begins the contract before another user has the page open, the job will disappear; you will all need to have the job visible in the menu before someone selects it to avoid this issue.  

    Reference Image:

    Hope this helps,
    Jamie R.
  3. Jamie R's post in Is there any UPDATED guides on multiple monitors? was marked as the answer   
    Linked below is a video which I thought might help 
    Hope This Helps,
    Jamie R.
  4. Jamie R's post in Truckermp not allowing my interior mods? was marked as the answer   
    Traditional third party mods are not allowed in TruckersMP (local nor workshop), instead they will instantly be deactivated upon launching your profile in multiplayer. The closest thing you can do to modding through multiplayer is save editing. If this is what you are attempting to do, it may be that your modifications don't meet the guidelines, thus resulting in you being immediately kicked for having invalid accessories. Below are a few threads on the subject which you may find useful. 
    Hopefully This Helps,
    Jamie R.
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