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[Hungaro] Marko

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by [Hungaro] Marko

  1. please update multiplayer to i want to do this christmas event on world of trucks with multiplayer please guys update
  2. Nothing helped me please anyone help me i want to play pleaseeeee what can i do???????????????
  3. just ETS2 Yes i deleted and nothing happen
  4. yes i tried and i uninstalled my game 5 times and nothing ..
  5. I updated and no new drivers out Yes steam version paid
  6. http://prntscr.com/ew21hn Only play drive truck and after 2min minimized
  7. I completed 3. solution not work 2. solution completed not work ..
  8. Hello! i start play euro truck simulator 2 singleplayer and 2 min play and my game minimized to desktop please help me why?????? I cant play windows 10! My lateMst version windows 8 not problem but windows 10 cant work please help me
  9. Europe 1 not europe 2 bro i rebooted my router and modem 5 times and nothing happend
  10. Hey! My multiplayer why not connect to europe servers? I have good internet connection.. please help me yesterday no problem and today cant connect to server ...
  11. i agree please change host.
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