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Veteran Driver
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  1. bazen bende oluyor mesela 90 la d-c yolunda giderken oyun aniden donuyor ama oyun kapanmıyor . böyle bir durum olduğu zaman diğer oyuncular beni nasıl görüyor? ortadan kayıp mı oluyorum yoksa olduğum yerde donuyor muyum yada 90 la gitmeye devam mı ediyorum? eğer gitmeye devam ediyorsam bir kazaya yol açtığımda ben suçlu mu oluyorum?banlanırsam oyunun donduğunu nasıl kanıtlarım? bu bazen bana oluyor ve acaba tekrar banlanır mıyım diye içim içimi kemiriyor.bir açıklarsanız iyi olur
  2. Suggestion name:Adding teleport ability to event servers Suggestion description:We can teleport anywhere we want in event servers by using command line such as "/tp goto london" Any example images:None Why should it be added? : Because events are starting spesific cities and we are driving truck a long road to reaching this city and we wasting time for doing this
  3. Yes I satisfied your answers. You are very helpful
  4. So when I push "0" button, the game will warn me right?
  5. Can I do freecam+f9 on ETS2MP ? (Going freecam and summoning my car where my freecam is)
  6. What does it mean "the GROFR convoy"?
  7. What is GROFR server? I mean somebody can explain me what is it doing?And why the game admins added this server?
  8. They gave very helpful answers. Thanks everyone.
  9. I have already removed the paintjob but ı still kicked from the system. please help me
  10. speedego

    Police car

    I made this paintjob to my car and I get kicked instantly and I don't know when its get normal.I am warning you.Don't do that.
  11. How can I learn my kick time? I mean when I am able to play multiplayer again? note: I am kicked because I made a pilot paintjob and I didn't know this.Please solve my problem
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