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Veteran Driver II
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About TheHanvod

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  1. Payment will reduce online to EU4 level or worse, not a good idea Im tried to get another solution, check it out
  2. Topic reworked, thank for you criticism. Old version behind the spoiler
  3. Good question, I dont really know how to make this system fair. You can change count of reports to 30, 40 or more. We need to know average count of reports per player to consider that. Admins cant ban every person that driving like idiot, but normal driver never will get a lot of reports for nothing. Mostly ramming and blocking. That peoples will never be able to play on private server. I think trolls will stuck at free servers. They can troll and get bans at free server, what the reason to going for trolling at private? Playing like good boy for 1-2 weeks at free to ram someone at private and loose private bypass after 1-2 days of trolling?
  4. Why we cant increase administation on private server without decresing EU1?
  5. Not really, getting bypass to server without speed limit, cars and better players not so difficult to stay at EU1. Ok. Idea is increase administation on Private server to make better gameplay. Playing without cars doesnt make Truck Simulator more realistic You can make any server private, its not so important They will be free with their rules To make a better gameplay They can make a appeal. These little things must be at the discretion of the administration. I just made a example how it can be. The point is decreasing count of trolls and make server with better control.
  6. Getting to private server must be easy for every person that just playing the game. Only a few hours on free server without bans and you will get to server with better gameplay without any problems. It will be issue to trolls, not for normal players
  7. Thread reworked, old version behind the spoiler. *Sorry for my bad english and Google Translate using* Suggestion Name: Free/Private servers Suggestion Description: EU1 server becames "Free": No cars Speed limiter Less administration compared to "Private EU2" EU2 server becames "Private" Cars No speed limit More administation compared to "Free" servers To get access on "Private" server players need to fulfill several conditions: 1. X km on "Free" server roads (15000 km for example) 2. No more than X reports/week (10, 20, 30? I dont know, we need to know average count on each player) - Normal players will never get as many reports as trolls and racers. 3. No trolling bans (Blocking, Ramming) in history. or Invite from Private server player (First week If invited player will be banned, inviter will get the same ban) If you get banned for trolling, you lose your private server bypass and can play only on "Free" servers. "Private" server rules concept behind the spoiler. EU3, EU4 stays "Free" with current rules Why should it be added?:
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