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Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by sgpch1983

  1. huge -1 from me! i like i realistic.. im a "simulation" driver.. i dont want to be rammed all the time from players going faster than myself (90) how lost control becouse thay go faster as the road allows. - you know there is something like physics and the centrifugal power/force? yes that exists ingame too! :)

  2. wait? if i drop off a job in rotterdam and looking for a new one, standing 30sec in a yard scrollingthe jobs to get out of there with new cargo, i get a ban? how stupid is this? cant we make it 2 min and a kick please??


    btw.. this is just theoretical.. i dont do jobs to NL in mp ever becouse of traffic/lags and only go thru ep if i really have to.

  3. we should take count on linux players and advert ets2mp for linux to see if linux players not playing ets2 would like to join - the more players on linux the more need to develop a linux mp client ;)

    • Upvote 1
  4. well i learned it quite quickly in vatsim.. maybe activate and make radio dicipline a req. only on 1 server and see.. testing?!? we cant say how good or bad it wood work if we dont test it..


    im not on teamspeak becouse i dont want people talking all the time - linking cb radio with the spawn distance all ready ingame is one idea. also multiple channels (like reallife cb radio) would be good to seperate languages.. maybe some of you must have a look how cb radio works, than think about if we couldnt just test it.. optional future maybe.

  5. ah I guess I should rename it for just UK roundabouts then. Being from the UK, I just assumed EU roundabouts would be the same, but as driving on a different side it's just the opposite. 


    Interesting to learn different countries rules though.



    That seems so strict, I wouldn't like to drive across a German roundabout now knowing that :P

    well we have strict rules in germany for everything.. i think that who people here like it.. we still have problems with roundabouts in germany.. its hard for people.. we like our traffic lights more than roundabouts lol


    speaking for my self.. i dont know why everything has to be so strict.. i like it more natural law :D

  6. your comment on the end is wrong for german roundabouts!


    its not the same.. you are not allowed to indicate inside a german roundabout or before entering.. you only indicate where you exit!


    but thank you very much for explaining and showing british/uk roundabouts.

    • Upvote 2
  7.  But that's added work for those who are new to Linux, which most users won't want to learn to do.


    Sorry, but than linux is not for you/them.. if you are not willing to learn, stay windows please.

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