Suggestion Name: Automatized ban system
Suggestion Description: Adding automatized ban procedure on top of more factors of player's behaviour on a road
Any example images:
Why should it be added?: Because troll factor is huge with some kids
I was about to suggest something like this, you might force everyone to scroll through rules in his language before he can register, or force him watching the video
But then I've realised what's the right path - making some kind of programme which gonna ban troll automatically for crashing into others in certain fashion, certain number of times or for certain portion of time, and add some reputation to that, some numbered factor on what mischiefs has person done in past, which combined with previousely named factors would make ban happen faster or make it longer . If I want to drive normally and deliver.... I will go anywhere, I i want to get stuck in traffic and have some fun being part of traffic jam, but polite and responsible part of traffic jam for sure, i ll go west from Duisburg and when i do that on full server, every time someoe prevents me from achieving by overtaking me and blocking me or crashing into standing trucks in a speed of ligth which sometimes even gonna make trucks glitched and fly even if you are tenth from the back.
Two days ago I've seen police car for a first time btw, on one of crossings behind Duisburg, maybe he achieved to do something for a short period of time, but that's not enough. I am getting sick of what's happening in the game. I would be banning these trollkids with no sense for fairplay for atleast 6 months, they gonna forget about the game and never come back or think about how they want to behave next time. There never will be enough admins to make the gaming as clean as possible.
I think the best would be writing some procedure as said already, so the server bans you for being a troll on top of combination of factors. Oh ye, and I am also getting crashed by people who are dumb or ignorant enough to not park next to the road for a "connecting to server" period of time and they spawn exactly in the point where you are just driving through at that moment.
You will never make it with people, you have to go AI.