Community Answers
Sabbi.'s post in I seem to have found a bug in the Duisburg rework, trees are growing on the road was marked as the answer
Hey there!
This Bug is already known and work is being performed to fix it. Unfortunately, it is not known when this will be fixed. But I hope as soon as possible.
Hopeful I could help you!
Kind regards,
TruckersMP Game Moderator + Support
Sabbi.'s post in Constant authenticating was marked as the answer
Unfortunately, there is a general problem with the server at the moment. Our developers already know about it. At the moment, the only thing that helps is to wait until the problem is fixed.
Kind regards,
TruckersMP Game Moderator + Support
Sabbi.'s post in Connection refused. You are using invalid client. was marked as the answer
If you are currently unable to join any ETS2 server due to an error stating The package "" is invalid or corrupted!, please wait and try again later. Our Dev's looking into this issue, and we hope to have this fixed as soon as we can. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience at this time.
Kind regards,
TruckersMP Game Moderator + Support
Sabbi.'s post in Unreliable connection was marked as the answer
Zuerst einmal ist dies kein Fehler oder ein Problem mit dem Mod. Dies ist ein benutzerseitiges Problem, das mit Problemen der Internetverbindung wie Paketverlust, Paketbeschädigung oder schlechter Netzwerkbandbreite zu tun hat.
Dies ist eine Funktion, die hinzugefügt wurde, um Kollisionsabstürze aufgrund von Verzögerungen bei der Internetverbindung zu vermeiden und zu vermeiden, dass Personen gesperrt werden, da es aussah, als hätten sie NCZ-Hacks, aber in Wirklichkeit hatten sie eine schlechte Verbindung zum Server.
Mögliche Lösungen:
Es gibt keine spezielle Lösung, die das Problem sofort behebt, aber es gibt einige allgemeine Lösungen, die helfen könnten, einen Tritt zu vermeiden.
Vermeide es, in einer Stadt mit vielen Spielern zu laichen (Duisburg / Calais / Brüssel...), in einer Stadt zu laichen, in der es keine es gibt nur wenige Spieler gibt.
Vermeide die Verwendung von Wi-Fi. LAN-Kabel sind immer besser.
Vermeide das gleichzeitige Hoch- oder Herunterladen und Abspielen von MP.
Vermeide es, Windows Updates gleichzeitig durchzuführen.
Vermeide es, zu viele Benutzer oder Geräte gleichzeitig in Ihrem Netzwerk zu haben.
Vermeide die gleichzeitige Nutzung von Streaming-Diensten.
Überprüfe Deine Firewall-Einstellungen in Ihrem Router/Switch.
Bevorzuge Server, die Deinem Standort am nächsten sind.
Versuche, mit Deinem ISP (Internet Service Provider) zu sprechen und zu sehen, ob Sie eine Lösung finden können. Frage Deinen ISP, ob er Internetprofile wie Fast Path oder Interleave unterstützt und frage nach Interleave. Interleave wird Deinen Ping erhöhen, aber es wird mehr Paketprüfungen durch Ihren ISP durchführen.
Eine andere Möglichkeit ist ebenso, dass dein PC eventuell mit der Synchronisierung / des Ladens nicht hinterher kommt, dadurch kann man auch gekickt werden mit der Meldung "Unreliable Connection".
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Sabbi [GER]
TruckersMP Support
Sabbi.'s post in ETS2MP - Fatal Error (Unsupported game version detected) was marked as the answer
Hello there!
Go to Steam on Library>Right click on ETS2>Properties>Betas and select "NONE-Subscribe from all beta programs".
this shouldn't help try the following:
Library>Right click on ETS2>Properties>Updates and select "Always keep this game up to date" for Automatic Updates.
Please let me know if one of the solutions helped or not, so I can give you some other suggestions.
Kind Regrads
Sabbi [GER]
TruckersMP Support
Sabbi.'s post in Unrealible Connection was marked as the answer
Hello there!
First of all, this is not a bug or an issue with the mod. This is a user side problem which has to do with the internet connection issues such as packet loss, packet corruption or bad network bandwidth.
This is a feature that was added to avoid collision crashes due to internet connection lag and avoid people getting banned as it looked like they had NCZ hack but in fact they had bad connection with the server.
Possible Solutions:
There isn't any specific fix which will fix the problem instantly, but there are couple common fixes which could help avoid getting kicked.
Avoid spawning in a city with lots of players (Duisburg / Calais / Brussels ...), spawn in a city where
there are few players.
Avoid using Wi-Fi. LAN cables are always better.
Avoid uploading or downloading and playing MP at the same time.
Avoid doing Windows Updates at the same time.
Avoid having too many users or devices at the same time into your network.
Avoid using streaming services at the same time.
Check your firewall settings into your router/switch.
Prefer using servers nearest to your location.
Try to talk with your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and see if you can come up with a solution. Ask your ISP if they support internet profiles such as Fast path or Interleave and ask for Interleave. Interleave will raise your ping but it will do more packet checks by your ISP.
Kind Regrads
Sabbi [GER]
TruckersMP Support
Sabbi.'s post in Anzeige Bug was marked as the answer
Hallo @xitinsane97
Versuche, das Spiel mit DirectX (64) zu starten.
- Steambibliothek
- Rechtsklick auf Euro Truck Simulator 2
-Start mit DirectX (64-Bit)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Sabbi [GER]
TruckersMP Support
Sabbi.'s post in File not downloading was marked as the answer
Hello @ProPyx,
Try the following steps:
>Uninstall the virus scanner.
>Disable Firewall.
>Disable Windows Defender.
>Reinstall Microsoft Visual C ++.
>Reinstall the Microsoft framework.
>Perform a complete uninstall of TruckersMP.
>Run TrucksMP as administrator.
To solve this problem, please follow the steps below:
1-) Download Ultrasurf (
2-) Perform Ultrasurf,
3-) Open TruckersMP in administrator mode,
4-) Install the available updates (only the first run with Ultrasurf), wait for it to finish and the Start button will appear,
5-) Finish Ultrasurf.
6-) Login TruckerMP.
Kind Regrads
Sabbi [GER]
TruckersMP Support
Sabbi.'s post in Polizei Auto auf dem Arcade Server? was marked as the answer
Hallo @FloCRYT
Die Polizei Autos sind nur für Game Moderatoren oder Upper Staffs erlaubt. Ein normaler User kann dieses Auto nicht fahren.
Wenn man Anbauteile wie z.b. Blaue LED / Polizei Lackierung verwendet, wird man sofort von dem Server gekickt.
Das was du gesehen hast, war bestimmt von unseren TMP5 Event was veranstaltet wurde, als TMP 5 Jahre alt wurde.
Dort war es erlaubt, auch als normaler Spieler auf einen extra Server Polizei Auto zu fahren. ?
Sabbi.'s post in TruckersMP client gives 404 error when trying to update was marked as the answer
Hello there,
Everything should now work fine again. Please restart your game if you still problems.
Kind Regrads
Sabbi [GER]
TruckersMP Support
Sabbi.'s post in problem connecting was marked as the answer
Hello @Texas fox 150
This happens when you have lost the connection to the server, but you don't have a timeout. So when you reconnect to the server, you will get that your account is already used.
If you want, you can try some of them:
> Restart your router.
> Restart Steam.
> Run the Steam client as administrator.
> Uninstall and reinstall TMP.
> Maybe try changing your Steam password and TMP password and try logging in again.
Kind Regrads
Sabbi [GER]
TruckersMP - Support
Sabbi.'s post in Can't connect to TruckersMP anymore was marked as the answer
Hello Kersted
Please remove all modifications / mods from your truck
since the latest TMP update local mods / home mods are locked and lead to the automatic kick.
Kind Regrads
Sabbi [GER]
Sabbi.'s post in Unstable Ping was marked as the answer
Currently the server (EU2) is having problems we try to fix it as soon as possible.
Kind Regrads
Sabbi.'s post in Add new DLC paint jobs to the game was marked as the answer
The new Paintjob DLC will probably be added with the next MP Launcher update.
Just wait patiently, the devs will bring it in as quickly as possible
Sabbi.'s post in Multiplayer Supported DLCs was marked as the answer
Supported DLC in Multiplayer:
All Map DLCs are Supported
All Tuning DLCs are Supported.
All Trailer DLCs ( Krone and Schwarzmüller) are Supported
All Paintjob DLCs are Supported EXCEPT Estonian/ Lativan and Lithuanian Paintjobs ( i think in the next update will be supported)
Cabin and Flags DLC is Supported
High Power Cargo/ Heavy cargo Pack are supported
The special Transport DLC is not full Supported, you can not use the Trailers, if you get one of the trailers, you get can use the beacons from the DLC .