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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Lamb1ne

  • Birthday 04/21/2002

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Trucking, Driving, Tripping around, Making friends, Talking with positive people, Communicating with others.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Düsseldorf
  • Known languages
    Estonia, English

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  1. Evening @[WTLVTC] ismail [TR] Sorry about the late answer. I fixed the problem... simply the Folder were in different place. Trucker Lamb1ne.
  2. Lamb1ne


    Hello @NeonLeon Thank you for the reply. Once again now I know what is going on, so it means I will just wait until the problem will be solved. Trucker Lamb1ne.
  3. Lamb1ne


    Greetings. I thank everyone for the answers and now I know what is going on. I will keep my eyes out next time. Trucker Lamb1ne.
  4. Lamb1ne


    My game doesn't open. I have reinstalled it twice but still it won't work. What should I do?
  5. Lamb1ne


    Why my skoda doesn't go over A3 gear, and 93 km/h?
  6. Hello. I have a little problem. Once I downloaded ETS 2/TruckerMP then I wanted the beginner save folder. I've downloaded it before and it worked perfectly but now I got SSD and HHD. When I open the ETS 2 File Location then I put the save-game folder in Profiles but in game it doesn't detect the saved game.
  7. The save folder doesn't work for me anymore.. no idea why?
  8. Lamb1ne

    About cars

    Is it correct, that players (whitout admin, mode) cannot use police things on the car? Lights and the White/Blue paint for the car
  9. I have clicked on Verify, and then it says "Now your account is Verifyed." but if i look it again, it says "Account not verifyed."
  10. So all started whit account making. I made account and it asked my E-Mail. I typed it and i went to my gmail. I verified it but! It dosen't show that i have done that. What should i do?
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