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Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by ZackGamingHD

  1. Suggestion Name: Pilot cars Suggestion Description: Allowing pilot cars to block traffic, slow down traffic, and force merge traffic for oversized loads and large convoys. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: They do it in rea life and this game is a simulation, It will also allow it to be easier for oversized loads to gain speed and give them plenty of room
  2. Suggestion Name: Being able to take screenshots while driving Suggestion Description: Allows us to be driving with taking a screenshot and not having to stop. Any example images: - Why should it be added?: By allowing us to take screenshots while moving, it will allow people to gain evidence for reports or ban appeals.
  3. i cant get any jobs in ets 2 multiplayer but can get jobs in singleplayer. anyone know why?
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