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Veteran Driver VI
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Posts posted by RapidFellow

  1. @Joao Rodrigues

    Ich dachte ja, das wäre offensichtlich...


    Wenn Person1 einen Fehler macht und Person2 davon Schaden trägt, dann ist es zum einen die Pflicht von Person1, sich dafür zu entschuldigen. 


    Genauso ist es dann aber auch die ethische Pflicht von Person 2, die Entschuldigung (sofern ernst gemeint) anzunehmen. Immerhin machen wir alle mal Fehler. Und anstatt dem nachzukommen, hat sich Person 2 für diese Variante entschieden:

    1 hour ago, DrEGZo said:



    Und das ist schlicht und einfach nicht richtig!!!


    Wenn wenigstens 1% der Spieler, die mich schon gerammt haben, sich entschuldigt hätten - aber nein! Sowas findet man heute kaum noch. Und wenn es mal jemand macht, dann gibt es absolut keinen Grund, demjenigen einen Report reinzudrücken.

  2. Der durchschnittliche ETS2 EU2 Spieler ist so verbittert, dass es ihm egal ist, ob sich jemand entschuldigt oder nicht. Wenn du ihn in irgend einer Form reizt, heißt es sofort REC / REPORT / BAN!


    Das ist natürlich traurig, aber so hat sich die Community nun einmal entwickelt. Entweder kommt man damit aus oder man sucht sich ein gesünderes Umfeld.


    Deine Reaktion mit der Entschuldigung war definitiv die richtige. Jedoch kommt es bei Banns nicht darauf an, ob es absichtlich war oder nicht. Auch unabsichtliche Vergehen werden als Rücksichtsloses Fahren eingestuft (was nicht erlaubt ist).


    Alles, was du jetzt machen kannst, ist warten und hoffen. Hoffen,  dass der betreffende Spieler zur Vernunft kommt. Denn eigentlich hat der auch was falsch gemacht. Und wenn es dann doch zu nem Bann kommt... dann hast du auf ewig ein Brandmal auf deinem Profil, dass den Leuten vorgaukelt, du wärest ein mieser Fahrer, der gestraft und gepeinigt werden musste.


    Willkommen bei TruckersMP! :D 

    • Like 2
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  3. No - or at least not immediately.


    You can create another account at any time. But you may not use that second account when your first account is banned from the TMP network. So in most cases, both of your accounts will be banned and unbanned at the same time, if you violate any rules using any of both accounts.


    But if you are one of the peaceful drivers, there should be no problem ;) 

  4. Some rooms are locked because you do not have the user role which is automatically assigned to you after some minutes. 

    Wait maybe 5 minutes and you can join the other text channels and also some voice channels.


    To get acces to the Turkish text and voice chat, you need to do an additional step. Search for the text channel "#claim-your-language" and type "?rank Turkish" in there. Then you have also acces to the Turkish voice and text channel.

  5. For some reason the decrypter for sii files is sometimes not working. 


    I haven’t figured out yet what’s the problem, but deleting the game.sii and creating a new one usually solved this error.

  6. Maybe the answer comes a bit late, but better than never.



    You need to know some basic things about save editing. Then follow the steps in the video. And last but not least you have your own trailer!


    I also created a tool which can simply make any trailer yours. Unfortunately it does not work anymore since the 1.30 update. But I will update it in the next days, so if the video doesn't help you, just ask me or anybody else who did something like trailer ownership many times before.

  7. Das ist eine Hürde, die jeder zu Beginn überwinden muss. Es gibt 2 simple Lösungen dafür.


    1. Du schreibst deine E-Mail-Adresse irgendwo anders hin, wo das mit dem @ funktioniert. Dann markierst du sie, kopierst sie und fügst sie in das Loginfenster von TruckersMP mit Strg+V ein.


    2. Wenn du an die Stelle kommst, wo du normalerweise das @ eingeben würdest, halte stattdessen alt gedrückt, und tippe dann nacheinander 6 und 4 auf dem Num-Ziffernblock (rechts auf der Tastatur ein). Wenn du nun alt loslässt, sollte das @ eingefügt sein.

  8. Danke für den Hinweis, habe das eben nochmal überprüft. Es handelt sich dabei um einen Fehler, der auch im Originalpost enthalten ist. Entweder hat sich was an den Spieldateisystem geändert, oder der Autor hat einfach was falsch gemacht (zugegeben, mir hätte es auch auffallen sollen).


    Die Sache verhält sich wie folgt: Es gibt für jedes Spielerprofil eine config Datei, und zusätzlich gibt es nochmal eine config für das gesamte Spiel. Die betroffenen Zeilen stehen nicht wie oben beschrieben in der config eines Profils, sondern in der config, die das ganze Spiel betrifft. Und diese Datei findet man im Ordner:

    Dokumente/Euro Truck Simulator 2


    Ich werde das bei Gelegenheit korrigieren.

  9. On 7.1.2018 at 4:20 PM, HumaneWolf said:

    Instead, we plan to update ATSMP as soon as possible when ATS hits version 1.30, where ETS2 is now.


    I really hope that there will be a patch in the next days. 



    Edit: Good job, faster than I expected ;) 

    • Upvote 1
  10. So I think I'll also tell you my point of view for this feature...


    The things that are most important in my opinion:

    • There are some steps needed in order to avoid abuse of that command.
    • Everyone should be able to use it, no restrictions based on bans/the kind of vehicle/anything similar.
    • It should not be like the No damage mod, because that mod was easy to abuse. 
    • It should be useful and make a difference to F7 (and not only a difference of time).


    The first point is the most important one for me. The recently added cooldown would solve that at all, hence this is one possbible solution. But I noticed a lot of disagreement and I do understand it. There is no guarantee that you need to use this command less than every 10 minutes. Perhaps you crash twice after a short time and you have to use F7 again.

    So that is not the best solution.


    I would like to replace the timer by another condition: it should be impossible to use this command when the vehicle is moving. Reason: it's also to prevent abuse for trolling. Additionally, at the moment this way of fixing is already possible: stop your truck, save your game, remove the wear, load the game, done. The command would do something that has been possible all the time by save editing - but it has one advantage: it is faster.

    And if anyone still has concerns as for abuse: we could also keep the cooldown and set it to a lower time, for example 60 seconds (should be enough, but not too much).


    You should not be able to use it only with an attached trailer. I mean, you can also crash accidentally when you don't have a trailer. And for this case, you still have to F7, and the  command would be useless. It should be also available for cars, because crashing with a car is much more common as you might know, hence it needs the command even more urgently. Some people might think that this would be an advantage for trollers. I tell you: as long as other trucks ram me when I am driving a car, this command needs to be usable for cars as well.


    Regarding WoT jobs... I think it doesn't make that much sense to prohibit it for WoT contracts. I mean, everyone should recognize (at the latest when they tried it once) that it doesn't work. And even if you try it, you might spawn on the middle of the road - but that's what we got ghost mode for. So no big deal here, I don't think that there are any restrictions necessary.


    Oh, and one last point... It makes no sense to remove the wear of the truck only. This is the thing making this command special.


    The /fix command should not add anything new. It should only support things that are available by save editing (means: stopping, removing wear from truck and trailer, continuing the trip). The advantages: it can be used by players that don't have experience in save editing, and it is also faster and less inconvenient. 


    It would add nothing new and would be still be useful. Nobody would have a reason to complain anymore.

  11. For all those who call this game a simulator: it is, but it is a game as well. You would not play it if you had no fun, would you?


    The no damage mod has never been a mod for me. From my point of view, it was am allowed hack. And I’m also glad that this is over now.


    But normal modding (like save editing) cannot be abused as long as it follows the guidelines. So I see no reason to prohibit this as well. 


    If you think it’s not realistic, don’t do it. It’s that simple ;) 

  12. This decision could have been earlier, before you started working on 1.29 ATSMP. I think that would have prevented a lot of rage - and a lot of work for you.


    At least the players know now an approximate time when the patch will be released. Now it's not necessary to worry about that probably both WoT tiers have to be completed in SP. It's sure now :/


    Nvm I get the reason, but I would appreciate if the players had a more in-depth look in the work of the developers. For example, SCS announces what they are working on at the moment, and they also give an approximate release month (and specify a date as soon as they know it). And I think this way is better than saying "soon" because soon could be in 5 minutes but also in 5 months.

    I also think must of the harm we experienced on the  forums was caused due to lack of information.


    All in all, seems like it's now necessary to wait for SCS until they update the game... won't take that long, I hope.

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