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 TruckersMP Profile
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  1. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED][GP] The far future of TruckersMP was marked as the answer   
    It is hard for me to imagine TruckersMP being in a 'completed' state. I feel like there will always be new things to add to the game. 
    We want to create a Multiplayer environment where we can do more than only the 'basic trucking' experience. Look at, for example, our Real Ops events and themed events. We have a lot of tickets in the backlog to add nice features to the game, but sadly they all depend on this replication framework to be finished. 😞 It is not only AI traffic that depends on this. Our whole modification will use this system.
    As for what we can expect ... this is dangerous for me to say, as I do not want to make false promises. As you know, AI traffic is one of the most requested features and we really want to bring it. We also want to bring more VTC-related features and the possibility to use custom modifications. There are more things but I will just keep it to this at the moment 🙂 
    If the current player base will like these things? Well, it is hard to say ... We have seen in the past when a lot of people like something, a big group of others will not like it. It is sadly impossible to please everyone, but we will obviously do everything we can to keep everyone happy. 
  2. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] [GP] Patron Skin for Trucks was marked as the answer   
    Hello @[GER] InfoBlock,
    We cannot provide an ETA for this currently. The Add-On team is busy with a lot of projects currently. 
  3. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] When caravan will be back? was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Turbo Diesel V8,
    The caravan is now back on our servers as you can read here: 
  4. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] 7.5t, 18t, 20t was marked as the answer   
    Hello @xdHycx,
    We as TruckersMP will not be adding branded trucks to the game. It is SCS' responsibility to provide more trucks (or variants) to American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2. We will support those trucks if they decide to bring them.
  5. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] [DEV] Ownable trailer jobs on TMP dispatch was marked as the answer   
    Hello @Beanyy1,
    Yes, it is on our to do list. When our Game Developers were working on the Job Dispatcher, ownable trailers were on the to-do list as well. Currently, the Game Developers are focusing on other nice features such as the bus project.
    Ownable trailers are high on our planning, so it is likely that we see this become reality in the next month. 
  6. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] [Dev] Server-sided non-tweakable profiles was marked as the answer   
    Hello @blabberbeak,
    It is one of our dreams to achieve this, so this subject is definitely on our list of projects we want to bring to TruckersMP. Currently our systems are not ready to achieve such an advanced feature and it will take time from our Game Developers to make our infrastructure and code ready for it.
  7. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] [Dev] Passanger mode was marked as the answer   
    Hello @WoreX045,
    Our long-term goals for TruckersMP, is to create a more simulated world which is not purely focused on trucking. For this reason, we have started to work on buses, which is a project that should be completed soon. Stay tuned for more information.
    Regarding a passenger mode to enjoy a nice journey together with your friend; it is a subject which we will definitely look into. Currently we have no idea how hard it will be to achieve this, as research needs to be done first. It is not part of our short-term planning.
  8. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] [Dev] Any estimates on when the AI traffic mode could be released or if not, just how the progress is going? was marked as the answer   
    Hello @dragonslayingmaster1000,
    At this moment, our Game Developers are focusing on the bus project and improving internal systems, to create features more efficiently in the future. In terms of the AI project, there is currently not that much progress. But it is one of our main ambitions for 2022, so we will definitely look into bringing AI to our servers this year, however it is a hard topic as this AI need to be written from scratch to work smoothly in a MMO environment. 
  9. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] [DEV] Will mods come to tmp? was marked as the answer   
    Hello @LHU7Y UK,
    It is a hard topic, for example mods like map mods and vehicle mods are unlikely to be possible in the future. So a convoy type of mod support is highly unlikely to come to TruckersMP. Though there might be other mod support in the future, such as visual mods or sounds mods. At this moment, we do not have mod support planned for the near future, but we will look into the possibility a bit later this year. 
  10. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] [Game Producer] Questions was marked as the answer   
    Hello @MarkON,
    1. It is currently not on the to-do list anymore, see the reply from mwl4 related to this subject. 
    2. This is something we need to look into and we have plans related to this. The plans are not fully the same and we still need to do research to see what is possible. 
    3. Special Transport will not work without those AI pilots. As long as we do not have AI in TruckersMP, we cannot support Special Transport. When we achieve this, we can start looking into Special Transport, but it will be a hard topic as those AI pilots will probably block roads or do other things which may impact the experience of other users. 
    4. Sadly, the person who was working on this is not in the TruckersMP team anymore. Due to this, there is no progress anymore related to this. Our Add-On team currently has a lot of projects on the to-do list, so those custom set of trailers will have to wait. 
    5. We indeed took a hit in terms of decreasing player count. Events will be one of our USP's, so Event Managers have a big responsibility to keep these to a high standard. Game Developers will be responsible to bring new features for the community to enjoy, such as the bus project.
    6. There are currently internal projects which have not been shared to the community, it is hard to talk about this now as they need to stay internal for some more time. Just stay tuned and you will find out more information.
    7. Yes, but no more information will be disclosed. 
  11. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] [Smoky / Prime] Legal issues. Brand licensing was marked as the answer   
    We just support the modifications created by our partners. Their licenses cover usage of this in American Truck Simulator and/or Euro Truck Simulator 2, and TruckersMP uses these 2 games as well. So this is something they need to sort.
    Also, buses created by DBus World will not be included as a benefit for Patrons which means that their buses will be available for everyone.
  12. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] [Dev] Buses in TMP was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Ash_0104,
    1. Existing Simulation and Arcade servers.
    2. Yes, there will be more buses later. Bluebus will be the only bus available initially.
  13. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] [Dev] New Trucks/Buses in TruckersMP was marked as the answer   
    Hey @[ConSecGroup] NightRider,
    We thought it would get boring if we only bring buses without additional features. So stay tuned, buses are around the corner ?
  14. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] [Dev] Clickable Players for Reporting users. was marked as the answer   
    Hey @.Andy.,
    I have just added a ticket for Game-Developers to bring this feature. Moderators can currently use it how you described above, but it is sadly not reliable enough to release this to the community. A rework is first needed, and will happen maybe in February. 
  15. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] [PM] Management. Involvement TMP in social media. was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for your questions.
    1. Firstly, we look at the people who are suited for the role. We will always look for the person who is suited the most, though knowing languages is quite a benefit. The biggest part of tasks done by managers, are done in English. When we need to publish content in different languages, we have the translation team to assist with that. The nationality of the person does not matter that much. We believe that a Polish, German, Dutch, French, ... person can fulfill the task as good as people from other nationalities. So long story short, we basically look for the people who we think fit the best in the role.
    2. There is no specific reason for this, the people who made it to community management positions lately just come from other nationalities. I would say a community manager role can be very specific, for example some community managers focus on VTCs, while others focus on other things. If a community manager who focuses on VTCs leaves, we will most likely search for someone who has experience in VTCs or wants to work with these. VTCs are quite an important part of the project, so we have to make sure we select the correct person for this. 
    3. Hmm, I think this is quite risky to do. As you probably know from the past, previous project management teased a well-known feature on our official YouTube page, that feature sadly didn't make it to the release stage due to unforeseen circumstances. Back when I approached the people at ProMods, I decided that it would be nice to tease this as it was a highly-requested modification to be added to the servers. I decided to wait until we were close to finishing the support for ProMods, before actually teasing this. I wanted to be 100% sure to not make a false promise as how it happened in the past. SCS Software have the source code and can define what happens with the upcoming content they tease, so they can be rather 100% sure that teased content will actually make it to the release stage. But we as TruckersMP can never be 100% sure of that, as SCS Software can suddenly make code changes which could break all our plans. (this has sadly happened in the past)
    So will we do this in the future? Yes. But only when we are close to being 100% sure that we will actually be able to provide the new content. 
  16. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] [AddM + Question to Smoky_TMP] One Official TruckersMP Skin for all players was marked as the answer   
    The TruckersMP skin was made for very specific trailers. This means that if we would release it on the servers, only a (small) part of the trailers will be able to have this skin. The skin itself was also not prepared to be used on a server with a high amount of players. Since the time that the skin appeared in the videos, there has been no work done for this skin. The reason for that is because other important add-on projects had (and still have) priority over this.
    Is it important to have this skin? Well, I won't say yes nor say no. It is nice to have it but I don't think it adds much to the "joy" of playing. It is quite a coincidence that the skin gets brought up now, as I recently asked add-on to work on the skin, as some of the add-on projects are getting close to finished. The skin will be another project to work on. I'm unsure if it is useful in terms of marketing, but surely it will provide additional visibility of the project name, if videos / pictures get posted on the internet.
    So long story short; is it a priority? No. Will it be added? Yes.
  17. Smoky's post in [ANSWERED] [PM] Dear to Smoky_TMP was marked as the answer   
    When we have to look for a new/additional upper staff member, there are a couple of things we are doing. Together with Project Coordinators and the senior manager of a certain upper staff sub-team, I look for a replacement/new person. Internally, staff members have the option to inform us (coordinators and me) about their "dreams" within the staff. They can provide us these "dreams" by filling in a form where we ask about which rank they dream of, as well as their motivation for said rank and what they would like to achieve. (there are also some other questions they have to answer.) People who submitted this form, are taken into account as well if we need to look for a new upper staff member.
    After we have a couple of names, we look into those people. We check their activity and quality of work. If we take multiple people into account, we set up an interview together with this person. After all interviews, we make a decision. In most cases, the other upper staff members of that certain sub-team are asked about opinions too.
    This is a tricky question. The Project Manager and Project Coordinator roles are similar in quite some aspects. The Project Manager has access to more systems than Coordinators. For example, I have access to Patreon, PayPal, ticketing systems, and so on. This is mainly because access to these systems should be kept to a minimum. The Project Manager is the one who has the 'final decision', for example when something impacting the future of the project has to be decided. Though, Project Coordinators work closely together with me to make sure we achieve as much as we want to. Meetings together with Developers are lead by the Project Manager, while meetings internally with the other staff members are lead mainly by Coordinators. Coordinators are also in charge of making sure that events and add-on related content are meeting the expectations. 
    Apart from this Coordinators work together with me to make sure everything related to upper staff operations goes as smoothly as possible. The Project Manager is also in charge of the upper staff. This means that I have to decide whether to punish upper staff if they break rules, are disrespectful, or are hindering operations. These punishments are different from the punishments which get applied to the profiles of TruckersMP users. The punishments I apply to upper staff, are mainly only internal. Though, if the 'violation' is very bad, a suspension or removal will be applied by me. 
    When I became a Project Manager, there was one thing I really wanted to achieve, which is the support of the beautiful ProMods modification. I am so happy that together with the Developers, the awesome guys at ProMods, and multiple TruckersMP upper staff members, I have been able to partner together with ProMods and bring their modification to our servers. Another partnership we have is the one with TruckersFM. Together with them, we have already brought some nice things to the community, and hopefully much more will come in the future. Stay tuned for that.
    Something I pushed for as well, was to give more people access to Game Moderation feedback. This is the most used category in the feedback system, which resulted in longer waiting times. Game Moderator Leaders and Game Moderator Trainers were granted access to this, so they can help out as well and help reduce the waiting time.
    Apart from that, I pushed for (monthly) staff meetings which help with communication and getting everyone informed about ongoing things. It is also nice as this shows staff who actually are 'the people behind the user names'. Those meetings sometimes happen with face cam. 
    Another thing which I wanted to introduce, was Patreon. Our Patreon campaign is quite successful, and we are so happy to see the continuous support from Patrons. I'm happy to say that we have been thinking of and working on new features that will be available for Patrons. Obviously, we do not want to forget about the non-Patrons, so we will provide new items too. Though, Patrons will most likely receive additional things, in return for their subscription. Patreon plays a vital role in the long-term future plans I worked out for TruckersMP, hence why it was introduced and will be focussed on along with other things. 
    For 2021, I would like to see multiple long-awaited features being introduced to TruckersMP. There were things teased/brought up years ago, and it is getting time to finally make those plans come to reality. Though, as this is a voluntary project with 1 client developer with a massive knowledge (mwl4), it was quite hard to bring features to the client. When @ShawnCZek joined as a client developer, we finally had an additional person who can work on client features. Since he has been a client developer, he has brought quite some useful features used daily by the community. For example, the support of ProMods and Patreon along with other features that were planned for years. Though, for the major features, a lot of input is needed from mwl4, which turns out to a hard challenge for him to combine TruckersMP together with commitments in the real world and his job at CD Project RED.
    Looks to be answered above in Q2.
  18. Smoky's post in Ts3 Ip? was marked as the answer   
    We don't use teamspeak anymore. We use discord instead.
  19. Smoky's post in Temp ban my account? was marked as the answer   
    Hello @MastersMacOSX
    Therefore, you better make a feedback ticket here containing your request + reason: truckersmp.com/feedback. 
  20. Smoky's post in Ban yourself was marked as the answer   
    No, only admins and upper staff can ban. Users can't ban others / themselves.
    Don't forget: You can be banned by admins or upper staff with your own evidence.
  21. Smoky's post in how to get custom rank / about? was marked as the answer   
    Here are the ranks, posted by a nice German moderator & support 
  22. Smoky's post in perma ban edvidence was marked as the answer   
    Yes, it needs to be available permanently. If you want to delete the video, then send the link to the admin who banned the player, he / she will then make a backup of it. 
  23. Smoky's post in Use TruckersMP TAGs was marked as the answer   
    No, only if it contains something that breaks the rules:
    §3.1 Username/Tag/Avatar
    Having inappropriate usernames/tags/avatars including those with insults, usernames with no text, any with swearing in them, names matching administration, law enforcement organizations, any current living or deceased political leader, otherwise inappropriate content and symbols, or similar. This also includes tags or usernames that would indicate that you are a "Forum Mod", "TS3 Admin", "Admin", "Police", "Security" or similar and in any language.
  24. Smoky's post in Will ban history ever dissapear? was marked as the answer   
    Your bans won't be deleted from your profile if they are correct. Only bans "younger" than 12 months count for history. (green dots). When '"older" than 12 months (yellow dots) they won't count anymore. So your next ban won't be permanent, unless you have 2 accounts where the other is already banned permanently. 
  25. Smoky's post in Ban reports was marked as the answer   
    Well anonymous is not the correct word here. The perpetrator can't see it, only staff members can see who reported.
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