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Veteran Driver VII
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Community Answers

  1. Kehox's post in Roues ne bougent pas was marked as the answer   
    Salut Skyman, j'ai pour toi fait un petit video très simple et ou aller changer tes contrôles pour y arriver...
    Pour commencer La Video ( duré 2:30 ) :
    ( P.S https://imgur.com/x4WJLHh ( section Gameplay ) : Moi je n'aime pas quand les roue "drop" redescend touts seul alors tu décoche cette case.. au besoin(ses plus une préférence..  ) 
    Ici les information a propos des " Axles & Trailer Axle "  :
    en anglais :
    Axle :
    Trailer Axle :
    Blog Original de SCS ( en anglais ) :
    February 24, 2017
    j'espère que cela aura répondue a ta question ?...
  2. Kehox's post in Reporting rammers was marked as the answer   
    Hi there, to help you with your problem ill give you some link and information...
    about ramming itself :
    Driving Offences (like Ramming):
    -Videos are best for driving offences because it shows the user doing the offence.
    -As stated above for chats the 3 programs mentioned will do in game capture.
    -To save bandwidth and time you can use programs to edit your videos time. Easiest to obtain for such a reason would be Windows Movie Maker. Might not be the best program but it works and is basically going to work on any windows system from xp on.
    For issues like blocking abandoning their trailer etc pictures will work. Just make sure you have the users name being displayed in game.
    here is a little video if you needed :
    and for the last thing to remember is to use the search buttom on top right side under your name befor posting will help you to find some answer :
    i wish that could help you
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