I take a job occasionally..
I drive (mostly over the speed limit -100+mph) and..I'm thinking.. I am getting there early.
No stops. No weight stations. No nothing but straight to the drop off.
But... Says I am LATE. And it took me like... 567 hours to get there. When the total trip should have taken 5 hours and something...???
Whats going on?
I am arriving ahead of the "Expected time".. not sure if this has anything to do with the problem.
-- Im not playing single player.. so didn't get the job there and then connect to MP.
-- I do not have my own truck. Don't really want to edit save files to get free money. Shouldn't have to do this in the first place.
-- Not sure where to sleep or press F7.. since I don't have my own truck. Kinda sad that I have to edit a cfg file each time to make jobs show up. Is this game broken??