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Dragon Ninja

Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by Dragon Ninja

  1. Есть куда стремиться,учи английский))) Платили бы за это деньги)))
  2. Меня тоже выкидывает,пишет мало виртуальной памяти Именно в мультиплеере Крэшиться постоянно
  3. We need to write to the developers, and it's impossible to play. Can you write to them?
  4. Did you reinstall the client, the folders?Did it work for you?
  5. Hello! ATS MP flies, writes that there is not enough virtual memory. Has anyone solved this problem?
  6. Hello!!! Supports Direct X will be in multiplayer? Previously, the choice was Open GL or Direct X The game slows down every 5 seconds
  7. Привет!!! Поддерживает Direct X будет в мультиплеере? Раньше выбор был открыть гл или Директ х игра тормозит каждые 5 секунд
  8. Hello!!! Supports Direct X will be in multiplayer? Previously, the choice was Open Gl or Direct X The game slows down every 5 seconds
  9. Hey. Is it possible to run the game in direct x, and not in the Open GL? Game twitches every 5 seconds In single player there is no such Previously in multiplayer I chose direct x and everything works steadily
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