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Veteran Driver III
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About Marello

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Marello's Achievements

  1. Huzzah! Now only 999,999 more to go to TWO million! We can do it!
  2. Running along great so far!
  3. I found it. The number didn't work because I typed it before setting the server. My bad!
  4. I'm trying to report a player on ETS EU2 Server. The name is in the screenshot. I type out Tropa do Adr and it returns invalid ID. Not sure what to do in this situation. Thank you! https://postimg.org/image/3n2pi3w3r/ Player is AFK on the Highway. Crashed (rolled over). No indicators on. I would move on but we're very near a blind corner. When I came upon him it was because another player had almost hit him and had ran off the road while he was AFK.
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