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Veteran Driver III
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About dizil30

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  1. Well at the end that in the end it completely may not be who decide what is this error why is termination and how to deal with it and how to treat it what is with these stars on the day 3 times why the update was all normal Vit all played there was not any problem with this multi player how do I remove the beta version so began to drive multi player who had created this multi player already as week I can not configure the multi player and not who can say why there is such problems it is necessary to twist to describe that for stable operation this multi-player needs a soft mouth pressed to describe that there was this scribble on the forums as much as you can expect a response from you
  2. ДЕЛО В ТОМ ЧТО РАЗРАБОТЧИКИ ЕРУНДОЙ ЗАНИМАЮТСЯ НА ПУТАЛИ ПЕРЕПУТАЛИ УЖЕ НАВЕРНО САМИ НЕ ЗНАЮТ ЧТО К ЧЕМУ СТАВИТЬ И ЧТО ЗА ОШИБКИ У ИГРОКОВ И КАК ИХ ЛЕЧИТЬ Я УЖЕ КАК НЕДЕЛЮ НЕ МОГУ ЗАЙТИ В ИГРУ The issue is that devs occupy themselves with nonsense and messed it up, probably they don't know what's going on anymore, nor what errors show up to the players, nor how to fix it, I can't get in the game for a week
  3. when you install Microsoft .NET Framework 4 comes out the following error I translate into English the content of the error To run this application you must install one of the following versions of NET Framework v4 0,30319 Contact your application publisher for instructions on obtaining a compatible version .NET Framework
  4. when you install Microsoft .NET Framework 4 comes out the following error I translate into English the content of the error To run this application you must install one of the following versions of NET Framework v4 0,30319 Contact your application publisher for instructions on obtaining a compatible version .NET Framework
  5. I'm so sorry to do as you said and rebooted the computer, launched MP clicking on F1 but also the multiplayer and the game has not been started may be this whole explanation and solutions
  6. I have such problems as and tell me what is the reason
  7. Good time you can help players who need help with these updates, many who can't run the game from the beginning was this error An error occured while contacting our update servers Press ok to try again or concel to visit our dowload page reinstalled NET Framework 4.6.2 began to leave the following nonsense tell me what is all this if not the solution
  8. У многих так не только у вас а решений походу нет
  10. Hello Guys can someone help me the fact is that faced with such problems may here in the screenshot http://floomby.ru/s2/AgdgFd
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