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About paiva1996

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  1. Nome:Ricardo Paiva Idade:18 País:Portugal Linguas faladas:Português e Inglês Nick na Steam:paiva Camião perferido:Scania Desde quando jogo ETS2 MP:2/3 meses? Steam: rikas_27
  2. The problem is that both the email and password ARE CORRECT and the game doesn't allow me to join the session sometimes. It works sometimes but others don't and that's pretty much lame because i have a bunch of friends which im playing ETS2MP right now and sometimes i can't play it because of this lame bug. Never seen something like this in any mp game, anyway, hope is solved fast. If you guys don't have the solution or more useful information why do you even comment this things? The only useful comment here is from truckdriver and honestly saying that they are working on it doens't explain that much. I understand this mod doesn't have the support both financial and in terms of time but i don't really get why a mp mod is lanched with so many flaws. Im being a bit rude and i understand if someone replies to me with rudeness aswell but this bug is really annoying me. That's only my opinion anyway...
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