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Veteran Driver IV
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  1. This is not so cool, if you understand me I don't contest the first ban, but the second is not allowed :x
  2. Hi moderators ! I was ban by Philip1212 because of my name tag, which was not really cool, in fact. He banned me on the 7.11.2015 because of the tag and asked me to make a ban appeal. I did it and he accepted it. But I'm now ban for the same reason (Name Tag, Make a Ban Appeal), I did the ban appeal, but he doesn't answer me for days now ! Could someone tell me where is him and if it is possible to unban me because my name tag is now "Belgian Power" Thanks to answer me
  3. I've got the same problem and, in single player, at the same place, i don't have this problem ! SINCE 0.1.5 R3 !
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