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Veteran Driver II
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  1. Nevermind, I found out. For anyone who wants to know open the player your using, in chrome right click it and click 'view source code' (might be different for other browsers) and in there you will find the link to play it. It can be quite hard to find but just open the link in a new tab and if its the right one it should have a little play bar in the middle that works. It might be an IP address or a normal URl, either way it should end in .mp3, there may be others but I find this works fine. A tip to find it is hit Ctrl F and search http, it should be easier to find. The link should play fine with the eurotruck radio player system.
  2. The second link worked thanks, the first one still skips fast though. Any notes on how to fins them in the correct format by the way? And what to put for the bitrate? Also I remebered that PonyvilleFM has 3 different stations, like how BBC have 1 through 4 (i think, no one really cares about any but 1 and 2) I dont know which one you linked, and I would prefer to have all 3 since there is normal, chill and normal without inturptions.
  3. stream_data[1]: "http://www.radiox.co.uk/national/radio/player/|Radio X|Rock|EN|128|1" stream_data[2]: "https://ponyvillefm.com/player|Ponyville FM|Brony|EN|128|1" They are the only ones with the values 1 and 2 as well to be clear. (I posted it and it says its hidden, I dont know why. I'm just doing quote to see if that works.)
  4. stream_data[1]: "http://www.radiox.co.uk/national/radio/player/|Radio X|Rock|EN|128|1" stream_data[2]: "https://ponyvillefm.com/player|Ponyville FM|Brony|EN|128|1" They are the only ones with the values 1 and 2 as well to be clear.
  5. I'm trying to add two radio stations, Radio X and ponyvill FM (dont judge me please). the second of which i dont think can be downloaded. When I add the links to the players to the radio list it will try connect then move on to the next one. I can play the radio stations that or in the game, or atleast the one I tried, but these wont connect. please help. Also I have no idea what to put for the bitrate since I cant find them, I tried 192 (I think that was the high one, something like that) and 128. Please help.
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