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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by ballyhighlandlad

  1. If this happens when you are loading into the server or waiting in queue it's because if you ALT+TAB for more than 5 minutes it will break the connection and stop you from connecting. Hope this helped. Kind Regards, James
  2. What's probably happening is that your accepting a job whilst in queue for the server, so when you establish a connection to the server, the time changes resulting in you being late. If you are having this issue when accepting jobs whilst being connected to the server I'm sorry to say I don't have the answer to that. Hope this helped Kind Regards, James
  3. Does any error message pop up, if yes what does it say exactly.
  4. Also make sure you have no mods enables which are not compatible with the Multiplayer mod.
  5. Hi, you can also fix the "No Jobs" problem in the ETS2 config file. Go to: C:/Program Files (x86)/Common/Steam/steamapps/Euro Truck Simulator 2 Then go to where it says "Profiles" and open the folder for the profile you use. You should see a Config file in there. Scroll down until you see: uset g_force_reset_economy "0" When you locate this line change the 0 to 1 and make sure you save the file! After that you should see jobs on the Freight Market again. Hope this helped. Kind Regards, James
  6. I had this issue a while ago, but the latest update fixed most of the crashes.
  7. I had the same problem when I first installed the mod. You will have to re-set your password and then it should work. If it doesn't check everything stated above ^
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