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SaMartok (NL)

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by SaMartok (NL)

  1. Used the new launcher which updated the files. Problem solved.
  2. I can not connect due to this error. I already reinstalled the files using F1 in the launcher. Still this error. How can I redownload this file?
  3. Well, it is 4 days by now and still no reply from RayRay5 on my appeal. I`m actually getting quit frustrated about this. You`ve been away for years, your back in the game for less then 24 hours and you get banned for a week. Never been banned before, maybe kicked for 3 or 4 times years ago. I find this quit unfair, especcialy when it takes this long to get an answer. 4 days on a week ban, you would almost wonder if it has any use appeal in the first place. Look I understand Admins have more to do than ETS2, but common. So I will quote the 3 messages I send in the appeal publicly, in the hopes that this ban be resolved as quickly as possible. " SaMartok at 02 Oct 20:46 Public I had never seen that I could buy a car in MP. Had a no jobs issue, bought the car to go to a hotel. Was curious on how it would look, a car with trailer. A specifficaly took the shortest job available. Ok, it is against the rules, but i didn`t know. It is my first offence. And really??? A WEEK??? Greetings Ron Overdijk SaMartok at 02 Oct 20:50 Public May I ask why you actually banned me, instead of a kick? Greetings Ron Overdijk SaMartok at 05 Oct 19:12 Public Hello, I`ve been away from the game for quit some time because I was bored with it. (last time I played it was still ETS2MP, not truckers MP) Last sunday evening I had a no jobs problem, so I went to buy a truck to do the sleep solution. To my surprise I could by a car, so I did. Jeez, I wonder, does it actually accept a trailer? Went to a company, picked the shortest route, and voila, you can. Wow. Apperantly, it was actually against the rules. Oops. But why ban someone for a week for this. I wasn`t trolling or anything. Look, I understand the need to punish someone for breaking the rules and I accept that. Believe me, if a was kicked, I would have gotten the message. "
  4. Hello, I`m actually banned at the moment for a week (first ban), which is in my eyes an absurd amount of time considering the offence. (car + trailer) I`ve been away from the game for quit some time because I was bored with it. (last time I played it was still ETS2MP, not truckers MP) Last sunday evening I had a no jobs problem, so I went to buy a truck to do the sleep solution. To my surprise I could by a car, so I did. Jeez, I wonder, does it actually accept a trailer? Went to a company, picked the shortest route, and voila, you can. Wow. Apperantly, it was actually against the rules. Oops. But why ban someone for a week for this. I wasn`t trolling or anything. Look, I understand the need to punish someone for breaking the rules and I accept that. Believe me, if a was kicked, I would have gotten the message. Now i`ve got a ban in my history for what.... And no answer in sight on the appeal. How long does it normally take for an answer from the moderator? And who decides the lenght on this kind of ban?
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