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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by DatTurtle

  1. Ok Thanks, So what do you think about the Game crashes? I Have no idea why its happening.
  2. Nothing is Open, That is the first thing I Opened when this message came up. So that's not it :/
  3. Ok Here it is: http://pastebin.com/J9yuuLu4
  4. I Also Am having issues with Starting my game some times: http://gyazo.com/275976ca3cb035d27c909c9b7eeb9486 For some reason that happens Every 20 mins and I Have to restart my PC To fix it..
  5. Game Log? Where do i find that, I Have TS If it would be easier on there to talk?
  6. Mod Version: Temporary_1_14_02 Controllers Used: Keyboard Description of Issue: My game Crashes a lot more than My mates and it happens to much. It even happens sometimes when I Click "Embark" on the ferry in game. How to reproduce: Happens randomly. Sometimes it will crash and other it will not. Screenshots / Videos: I Have done a crash report so I'll put that here: http://pastebin.com/5kJyg16R
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