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[SK] - TeR*hao han

Veteran Driver V
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Everything posted by [SK] - TeR*hao han

  1. i found spring mod can be used in multiplayer ,but i am really not find the different about spring mod and normal mod. could you tell me ? thank you
  2. yea..I think you're late. Every year there will be snow in Christmas. Of course, you can use snow MOD in single mode
  3. Everyone on the 19 channel, your channel is 19? Do you have any problems with your mic?
  4. thank you !!guys ..i run the game in administrator model.. sorry for my bad english..
  5. When I play the game, there will be this problem.Has verified the integrity of the game. Uninstall the game, reinstall, invalid。 Invalid administrator privilege....I'm going crazy, how can i solve this problem?
  6. Some people transport togetherUse the system within the game I am a member of the teamEvery time we share the archive together to transport together.Once the problem occurs, the integrity of the team no longer exists.so i hope to add group mode within the game,The captain announces the development of good vehicles and routes, and the team members can only be transported by taking his task. Including the same route, the same vehicle and appearance, of course, we can solve the problem of DLC My English is not good, thank you for your patience. I apologize for this
  7. many players use speed hack ,how to stop them?I'm just an ordinary player,I just want to enjoy my game .Can not you make a procedure to restrict them? This software can be tried in the stand-alone mode, the online state can still be!!!I was tortured by it!! How can i do it? sorry for my bad english.
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