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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by Arke

  1. So, will new DLC work in MP? Other people who have this DLC will see my heavy trailers and my special truck?
  2. Thank you guys for having responded to my problem, this is my speed test. I play on Wi-Fi, maybe it is one of the problems?
  3. I have Nvidia Geforce 710M, processor Intel Core i3, and 4GB RAM. I think it caused by my low notebook, is it true?
  4. Hello, I have some problem, please, help me. When I play Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer sometimes players can stop and don't move, and it see only me. I move in game, but I can't see their's movement. But at the same time I move on the server, my friends said me. For this reason I was banned once. I don't have any mods, cheats etc. I have only few official DLC. Please, help me :с
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