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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by Andrey22

  1. Thank You guys,You really help me ,my ets2 didn't work because i don't have windows 7 service pack 1,now i have it and game work.
  2. No,i don't have it i need service pack 1? I will lose data when i upgrade to him?
  3. ETS2MP not start when I click on the icon on the desktop, only works in single player euro truck 32 bit , I try to reinstall steam , Ets2 , ets2mp and still nothing I saw that when give in steam to start Ets2 64 bit not I think it all starts because neither walks my ets2mp not work in 64 bit only 32 and do not know how to solve I have windows 7 64 bit so it should work
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