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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by skybatts

  1. Thank You. Finally, I find his TruckersMP ID and I can report him now .
  2. If I had his TruckersMP ID, then I would not asking questions in there.
  3. When I was doing a mission, there have a Turkish player crashed into me. Just when I want to enter /pinfo and find his TruckersMP ID, he suddenly disappeared. (Exit game?) After, I entered /pinfo 1556, but I only can find other players. In this case, how do I report this player? I have his SteamID. Video: https://youtu.be/P1NADFQYJtU Steam Information: http://steamcommunity.com/id/engudarerkay/
  4. Thank you for your reply. I tried your approach. Sure enough, I click the shortcut of MP, the game does not open immediately. Instead, after a period of time, the game will open. It seems that my problem has been solved.
  5. I've tried rebooting, and use administrator privileges to open "launcher_ets2mp.exe". But still useless ...
  6. Hello everyone. Previously, I have never encountered this problem. However,I meet that problem after I restart my computer. When I try to open "Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer" (C:\Program Files\TruckersMP\launcher_ets2mp.exe), It did not succeed to open the game and did not eject any window. (It mean:I double-click "Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer" and it did not make any response.) I've tried to re-install the game and DLC, but still useless... Also, I have the latest version of ETS2MP. Who can answer my question...? (And I sorry for my bad english...)
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