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[SK] - TeR*QiaoBa

Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by [SK] - TeR*QiaoBa

  1. Added encountered players in scoreboard (last 1 minute) what the means ? what's this history ? reprot the HIstory useful for user?
  2. when support schwarzmuller.dlc。。。。。
  3. alot of try again that click the install button but didn't download the system files system.why? p.s I can download the ets2 and ats filesystem.but didn't download the system files.
  4. omg。。。。。。autoupdate...no have relink and download ,and no have didn't save 。
  5. so sry the update verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry bad, the update very slowly and always redownload the ets2mp program......
  6. thx admin for update . but which time update Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack DLC?
  7. site rules write convoy can use 2 Pilot cars. but I don't know how to use the Pilot cars. E.g can I use the Pilot car block load and my convoy priority Travel? can ban me Because of blocking load? everybody tell me detail about use the pilot car .thank you
  8. why can't support korea Paints and china... Paints omg..... sry the update verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry Disappointed. when update for support china and korea Paints.
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