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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by Olizandrey

  1. Hello, @Riley [EN-US] and @oolala11! Thank you so much for your quick answers. I went with @Riley [EN-US]'s solution, and it worked. Thank you both!
  2. Greetings, Since I reset my harddrive, I haven't had my old career / save. That's not an issue, but I had a feature that I can't find in my new career / save. Every time I used the engine break or hand break, my break lights would light up - as it does when I'm using the normal break. I have the same truck as I had then, and I have tried several settings to bring it back. Does anyone have an idea of how I can make this work again? I really like to be able to break slower - not to have people crash up into my trailer - and having the break lights light up when doing so. It really helps to warn drivers behind me better. If I don't manually use the retrader or use the normal breaks, it doesn't indicate that I'm breaking up, yet it did when I had my old save. Is this a setting or something that was changed over the last couple of months? Best regards!
  3. Sorry, let me get this straight. The Heavy Cargo DLC is not yet working for multiplayer. But because they implemented this DLC, we must downgrade, since multiplayer hasn't been made ready for the DLC? Is that how it is? Just have to get it cleared up in my head, cause I'm confused. Sorry, didn't see the last couple of posts. Looking forward to it <3
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