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Veteran Driver VI
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Everything posted by Oiss

  1. Oiss

    Lost Account

    Thanks for the answers, I downloaded a profile for not starting from zero, but I think I got backup somewhere.
  2. Oiss

    Lost Account

    I used the email and password of world of trucks, but my profile has gone, this mean I need to start the game from tutorial. My trucks, level and money
  3. Oiss

    Lost Account

    Hello, in those days I reset my computer for resolve a problem, I reinstalled steam then the games included ETS2, when I enter my account was gone and the game tells me to create a new one. Is there a way to recover my account? Thanks
  4. I got this everytime I try to start Ets2Mp, I download it several times, but still get this message. How to fix this?!
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