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Veteran Driver V
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Everything posted by Frotang

  1. I reinstalled the MP client and then set it up to run as Administrator and this fixed the problem. For some reason I had to reinstall for it to fix though, weird.
  2. Ok I just tried this and I'm still having the same problem. next step is to reinstall the entire game but I don't want to lose my progress or my game settings. Whats the best way to keep those things from getting erased? Edit: nevermind, I had to go back in and set it to run as Admin and now it works!!
  3. Hello, I hadn't played for about 5 days and went to launch the game today only to find that the Login / server select screen never appeared and it took me straight to my profile. I clicked continue game and it shows signing in but when I'm in game the Tab key does not bring up the player list and I can see no other users around. Edit: Yes I am launching from the TruckersMP shortcut, and I did try running as Admin but did not solve the issue. Didn't have a lot of time last night to fool with it but I'll try a reinstall of both the game and MP client today after work and report back here. Edit 2: reinstalled MP client and made sure to set it to run as administrator which solved my issue. I am now back to playing online, thanks y'all!
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