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Veteran Driver V
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Everything posted by Mighty_Pig

  1. I want to play ets2mp but my ets2 client is now downgrading I selected the 1.26 in properties and it says 1.26 but when Im start the ets2mp it says I need to downgrade it to 1.26. I restared my pc and steam nothing worked.
  2. I want to buy the cd ATS California and I wanna now if I buy this can i instal mods or can I instal only mods if I have it on steam?
  3. I have sean people who saying something about trailer mod pack in mp. And I wanna download it but I cant find any information about it. Is it true?
  4. But this post is about how to create one
  5. I read much about hybrid trucks but I dont now what it is. And whitch one is allowed in mp? Who can help me whit this question?
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