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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by gliaminde

  1. Hello ZiroX, Yes i have tried to start it with admin permission cause without it, it just starts a singleplayer. As mentioned before, i believe the problem is not in the multiplayer mod, it's the game not being able to start as 64bit version which is necessary for the mod or so i think
  2. I've always played 32 bit ETS version cause i didn't see the need to choose the 64 bit one. Now, as i understand, in order to play mp you need your game to run the 64 bit version and and mine won't start if I choose it. I've tried numerous ways, suggested by different forums, to solve this problem. I've tried launching it from game directory, I've tried to write -64bit in the launch option on steam, I've tried reinstalling it couple times, I updated my framework to 4.5.2 and tried to launch it on directx 11 and 9, I've tried to create a shortcut from x64.exe. NOTHING. It tries to start but i don't even see the intro screen, steam shows that the game is running for a few seconds and that's it. As you can see I'm desperate now so all suggestions are welcome. Thx in advance. Loyal trucker P.s. I'm running a windows 7 ultimate 64bit OS, I5-4760k cpu, 8gb of ram, nvidia 650ti gpu.
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