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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by HIRIG888

  1. ^ Yes, lights gone. This issue was discusted a few pages back, as people crashed not seeing any light on the truck in front as they were missing.
  2. Man you gonna drive around in a truck filled with holes XD, us mortals who dont have that, we see a big missing truckpart.To bad.
  3. Yey! A fix under 24h, brilliant! Rockin' crew!
  4. Wow, quite a good few bugs i see, most from the new patch, yes, ping was nice, well, at least people with decent ping drove smooth, and with good sync, but now...whoohoho...all around the place :)) And the missing truck parts, missing wheels i see, front, back, etc Adressing the DEV. CREW: If you could get more people to test the prerelease,more sistems,more chance to find a bug or several. I could help with tests.
  5. Not to be rude, but are these updates tested .....?? on multiple sistem specs
  6. Well, in some games everyone has the DLC, just to prevent this problem, and lack of object/skin. You get it, its in the game, just you dont have any acces, but your game can use it to project other peoples DLC so you dont see missing content. Is this so difficult to make cause it doest sound rocket sience.As DLC's mess up this game a bit :(. Now the servers are back, thanks for that! A good simple restart does magic sometimes .
  7. DLC solution is quite rubbish, its not managed good. All players should have the DLC's so everyone can see it, all i see is missing truck parts.... So, if we all have them, but only those who pay, get access, simple. And this way everyone can see everyones truck / load, emply trailers....not cool either. Its just plain old stupid. Plus, since this update, cant connect to any ATS server just the EU1 the other 2 are online, but it doesnt connect, its all offline in the server, and the server is not even close to full. Dissapointed big time, as i dont have much time to play, but when i want, nothing works X( Yesterday it was fine....
  8. Is it possible to edit the "V" talk button to one on my steering wheel as i use that, keyboard is not at hand when i drive.
  9. Thank you for the link, hope it doesnt mess stuff up, as i go ballistic. As i see there are like...loads of updates, i figure i get the first one 1.9 gig. update sp wave 1? Yes, that, i try, all possibilities and combinations, if it need SP1, than, thats that. Thank you for the help, i get the update, and lets see, what gives. Hey! Back again, with some grattitude, sorry for before, i was somewhat grumpy as i did not play some time, just was eager to get it fixed, well, so i did, with your help, just jumped in to say thankyou! I knew i can relly on this community for help! As always. Fixes are around the corner...so to speak.( well in most cases) I did the update, in windows, manually, as i disabled it, hate when my PC just....does stuff...you get the point....Right here.
  10. @FlyingDutchman Well, so You say, i need to reinstall a new 64bit SP1 copy of windows? I have 64 ultimate, as you cant update to sp1 a normal version, well, this i find quite unprofessional, to lose all my software for a game, make me choose between the game or my stuff. I got the game just for the MP, well, yet again, money chucked out the window. Unless there will be a fix, which i doubt really. Plus, devs. SHOULD have mention this "slight" platform change in the changelog before people like myself with no SP1 wonder what witchcraft is going on. Thank you for you good work and effort so far,hope im not leaving utterly dissapointed.
  11. Well, since this update, the game crashes at startup immediately, a split second after i d-click, ets2 has stopped working and bla bla. Annoys the hell out of me. I have W7 64bit . You need SP1? As they forgot to mention the exact requirements for it. SP works just fine, mp, rubbish. Every other game is fine. This is messed up bigtime. Reinstalled game, MP, for no effect. Deleted old files. Saves. Waited for some uptade/fix, but there wont be any i suppose. crash.txt
  12. I dont play for....1 hour, and some bloke just crashed headon in my truck in my lane in a corner, reason, yupp, you all guessed it, like it was mentioned before, they try to go as fast as the truck goes, and not regulate the speed in the corners. And what is the excuse? " Sorry lag" well isnt it always?
  13. I only used to do 85-90 as it was, but now, all i do is check the mirror all the time....just to se whos going to crash in to the back of my truck. Rubbish idea. This was the problem in the first place, little kids, that just ff around, now will have all the chance. So, we resolve one problem, with another.
  14. My game crashes after I load a save, and hit "drive", than it goes instantly, yesterday i could enter the game, where it snowed on a sunny day, and after a few minutes crashed. Now not even that. This game (MP) will never work properly.
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