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College Josh

Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by College Josh

  1. It's been awhile since I've played but every time I have loaded the game, there are no jobs to take. So I would fast travel to the repair center since that is what I remember having to do to find a job. But now I result in a black screen that does not seem to actually do anything. It freezes my computer where I have to force my computer off. What am I doing wrong? Edit: I am using my same profile as before. And I can take jobs from external contracts. Is this the only way for jobs now? Edit 2: Also found that whenever I travel, from Ferry for example, the same thing happens. This wouldn't be so much of an issue if I wasn't in England. Edit 3: I think it's an error with my driver profile. I went to ATS and was able to find freight market jobs, unlike ETS. I'm going to make a new profile to see what happens.
  2. Sorry if this doesn't relate directly to the game, please move this if needed. I was on the ts3.ts3free.pl server and randomly got disconnected and for be not being able to now join the server. Other people are able to join the server and I'm the only one with the issue. What should I do?
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