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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by swapps

  1. thx for your support, but i am no longer interested. Can be closed.
  2. Hi, sorry if i annoying you, but my ticket is since three days unanswered or i cant read it. Thats why i wrote a new ticket 2 days ago with an explanation why i cant read the first ticket. http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/22011-register-activation-key-mail/#entry181327
  3. thx, but still nothing arrived. Spam-folder is emtpy
  4. I did not receive the activation-key-mail after my registration with my googlemail.com-address. Is there a problem with this toplevel ? Should i use another mailadress? Thanks for helping me. by the way: Is there existing a german TS3-Server for my first ingame-questions?
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