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Veteran Driver V
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Everything posted by OmegaV8

  1. I tried using one of the modded livestock trailer just to change it to white. Collected it in SP but whenever I went into MP it just said game change detected and reset me with no trailer. I tried multiple mods. I know it should work as ive seen people drive around with painted livestock trailers? What am I doing wrong
  2. Nevermind I solved the problem myself, turned out I was looking in the wrong place stupid me Solved
  3. I know I have the cool liner mod, I got it from his website first...
  4. I have tried this already and had no luck, I also tried other websites etc. and got nothing, yet I see all my friends with the trailer and they are baffled with my problem of them not showing up
  5. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I am having trouble with MetaltigerSA's Cool liner trailers. I can't find any plain white trailers, I used to always get them with the same mod on my old pc (I used to find them in any NBFC) But now when I go to look there are none. Is this just because he removed them from the mod or is there something wrong? Or where can I find a simple plain white fridge for ets2mp? Any help is greatly appreciated!
  6. Hi, I was just wondering what has happened with the search option? I used to be able to search people up and it would give me the option to track them on the map. Now when I try it doesn't give me the option, even thought that person is online EU#1. Am I doing something wrong?
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