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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by GennesysX

  1. Suggestion Name: Map Tracker and company recruitment Suggestion Description:Maybe someone already gave this suggestion, but there we go anyway: i was thinking to add a truck tracker on the server. If you are closing to someone, an arrow (small size) could show on your gps. If steam friends, it shows on the entire map, where they are. For the gps, would be only for proximity. I think it will be cool. About the recruitment, someone create a company, anywhere (and for some purposes, block access to everyone but the ones who own the place, and could make them the level 2 build for now), and when open the employee window, it shows everyone on the server who owns a truck and maybe who had some x levels. Then the owner will get a percentage of his employee delivery (small or medium, could be adjusted by the owner) and the big percentage would add to the employee wallet(could be adjusted too). Any example images: no images because it is an idea. Why should it be added?:i think it will add more fun to the game, and more purpose to play, because they will follow their company, to deliver and earn money. I know there are money and lv cheats, and it will be used on the local profile, but as an idea, it could work on locked profiles, if there is any way of doing this.
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