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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by mikichii

  1. After playing a while, there are dozens of kiddies playing pseudo cops and trying to pit, such as break down other truckers. Then I've seen a lot of them just simply messing around, causing crashes, pretending to be an iGA and just being the worst. That said, I really wish cars should be restricted. And even at least, users who want to use the pilot car design (for convoys or events, whatever), should file in a letter for a permission. The cars simply, it is just a mess. Even some dorks did a pursuit, being reckless to other truckers, ruining their gameplay experience. I hope changes will be made. Noticed admins were overwhelmed with reports.
  2. Finally something I really really like. More variety and some kind of roleplaying and I please less maniacs in the mp game. I'd really love to support the policing part, I gotta report tons of people every time I play this game, which blows as regular player, however unfortunately I am not an admin. Keep up the good work!
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