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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Predator1337

  1. Suggestion Name: Dynamic Speed Limits Based on Traffic Suggestion Description: ETS2MP already has a map that shows where the people are driving, so that it can already analyse the traffic, if a road is having an high traffic the system will set the speed limit to a lower speed (110->70 in Calais Duisburg bridge zone for example). If there is no traffic on an highway the speed limit could rise up to 150kph which everyone wants to have. By this way the roads will be a lot safer than now and no one will be bothered by the limits, it will do the necessary thing. Any example images: Cant have. Why should it be added?: It is needed.
  2. I have it on steam and i heard you are helping to other users to verify their games. But when creating an account it asks for steam but what about origin? But nevermind in steam it is 13€ or cheaper but in origin it is 16€ and when steam give discounts it is going to be 2€ or expensive.
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