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Everything posted by saskoleo

  1. Do you have any recommendations on which VPN to use? And what server should I even connect to? And as I know most of the VPN's are pay to connect. But why didn't I get this error for the past 5 - ish years that I've played this game? I never had to use one and now that I redownloaded the game and wanted to play with my friends (they have no issues with it) it doesn't let me.
  2. Here is all my settings, all the directories that my applications are installed I have tried everything on this forum to get this fixed yet nothing helped. I tried reinstalling the launcher I tried Running the launcher in admin mode. I tried messing with the directories. Yet nothing ever worked. I've been trying to fix this issue for about 5 hours now and I've come to a conclusion that I should give up since I haven't found a solution.
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