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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by Yirith

  1. Have you tried reinstalling multiplayer client?
  2. Yes I am able to play normally with keyboard and mouse and I don't see issue in drivers coz they work perfectly on singleplayer... EDIT: I figured out what's causing the problem, it's option force feedback, will try to reset it and see how it goes. EDIT 2: Solved. The problem is caused by Force feedback gain, just slided to the lowest and I was good to go. Thanks everyone for trying.
  3. First one after logging in.
  4. If you didn't read Description at the end it says that all the drivers are up to date.
  5. Mod Version: Controllers Used: Genius TwinWheelF1 Description of Issue: Today I installed ETS2MP and it started crashing after loading screen. Realising that the profile and save games are from earlier version I deleted the profile and everything was working smooth until I went to change the controller. When I changed from Keyboard to Keyboard + 2in1 Vibration Wheel game froze and just exited. There are no crash logs or anything within the ETS2 and ETS2MP documets. Tried changing Compatibility mode to XP SP3 and I managed to change the controller but only for a few seconds where game and settings restarted. Singleplayer works smoothly and all the drivers are up to date. How to reproduce: Open the game and try to change controller. Screenshots / Videos: Can provide none.
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