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Everything posted by Wariortank07

  1. Thank you, this helps alot. Much appreciated, this provides a much better understanding of the situation and what happened. I didn’t think i was allowed to switch lanes in the round about like that which is why i hadn’t.
  2. Thank you, ive been meaning to find the freecam option but couldn’t figure it out. I guess its safe to say im ok then? I still have some motivation to play TMP so i will, ill just avoid some more populated areas for my own sake for the moment. This event was a good trial run. I know what to expect now i know that my pc can handle it. I know what to do in the situation.
  3. Ok, thank you guys for helping, And for being nice. Once again.. Just an american trying to learn the rules and follow them to the best of my ability, there are still things that do no make sense to me, would it have been better for me to simply use the outside lane on that specific round about if not most round abouts? Other then that, look at signage closer then i have been, slow down, be more careful/vigilant then i have been. And always use the turn signal. Even though i didn’t look around with my camera i was scanning the round about and the map with my eyes. Next time ill turn my head or go to third person. I would like to believe im doing the right thing and asking people instead of simply leaving it be and/or assuming i was in the right based on my own laws in my country. Ive seen alot of people do that in TMP (and they get banned for that mentality) i really don’t want to get banned for something like that or really in general…like most people i did look back at the video and the guy appeared to have a yield sign above the roundabout sign.. (of course its backwards to me so I can’t tell if something else would be on it) unless once again.. its another thing i don’t understand.
  4. I did infact make a mental note of the turn signal. That was one of the first things i knew couldve been done differently. I forgot to state that in my original post.. whoops.. Well.. if i get punished for it so be it. Now that i think about it this is probably part of the reason why you dont see USA players on ETSMP often. It’s impossible for a foreigner to determine the right thing to do in a situation like this without being in one area for an extended amount of time. Defensive and Cautious driving be damned i still found a way to break a rule.. on accident.
  5. I had seen the double yield signs on both lanes when I entered the roundabout, and thought it was the case that both lanes had to yield. But the statement that the inside lane must yield to outside lane does make sense. As those alot of times are either right or straight ahead lanes even in US… so if im understanding this correctly that situation is 100% my fault. Correct?
  6. Hi, I'm a united states player and I think I'm misunderstanding or not following some laws on the roads like I should be. I want some clarification to make sure I'm following the rules. (I think this is the right place to ask). I was exploring truckers MP HQ, exploring both the city and the sights this being my first event. I went into the roundabout to do a U-turn, and someone had ran straight into the roundabout and rammed me. It caused them to perform beautiful acrobatics as can be seen in the video. I got a lot of negative reactions from it both from the guy and others in the round about (after the video) was i in the wrong? Am I not allowed to do a U-turn in a roundabout like that? I think I was in the right lane... In USA you are required to yield to those already in the round about or intersection. is it different here if im making a turn like that? https://youtu.be/uCnI9w5mCZI
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