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seltox.tmp - Tiktok

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Everything posted by seltox.tmp - Tiktok

  1. I don’t think that they should remove it completely, because this is what makes the Duisburg - Calais route so special. My suggestion would be a 2 lane rd or similar
  2. Suggestion Description: Reduce /fix countdown to 60 seconds Example Images: No Why should it be added?: I think that the /fix countdown should be reduced to 60 seconds, because imagine this situation: You drive on the Duisburg - Calais Route and someone crashes into you (may it be an inapropriate overtake or just a crash, doesnt matter) and you take 75% damage. You do the /fix command and everything is fine, right? - Yesnt. The route is so crowded that a crash may happen 10 seconds later. What are you doing now? You again took 50+ damage and now are forced to F7 because you cant wait more then 300 seconds on a crowded street. This system has a nice thought behind it but it isnt done yet. I think this idea is good, maybe you can /fix without cooldown if you have above 45% damage and keep the original cooldown for damage under that. Would also be cool to see that ingame. Please open this for discussion
  3. Suggestion Description: Removing the Speed Limiter with a Rule Example Images: No Why should this be added?: I think many of us think that the 110 is a good thing, but only in certain places. How often do you find yourself driving somewhere no one is only to be limited at 110kmh and you want to deliver a quick job. It would be cool to drive faster, right? Right. No one is forcing you to drive faster, but i think it would be very nice if you had the option to. Here comes the Rule tho: You are only allowed to drive faster then 110Km/h if: -Traffic is manageable -The road is long or stretched if more players are around you -You are on a Highway I do agree that there should be realism in the game but i dont think it is right restricting players that are alone somewhere or know how to drive above 110Kmh. Maybe we could come to an agreement, even if you could only drive more then 110kmh if there are maybe less then ~15 players around you. Speed limits inside the Citys should stay, for obvious reasons.
  4. Suggestion Description: Adding a 2nd Lane at the Railroad crossing Example Images: https://prnt.sc/ivosq7dNZBnM Why should it be added: I think it would be a great Idea to add a 2 Lane road near the Railroad crossing. It would ease the traffic as the hot spot isnt in 1 lane, it gets split up. I would appreciate if this topic could get open for discussion because i would love to hear other people's thoughts on this.
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