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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by xTheSkyline

  1. Hello, my ETS2MP freezes after i entered the world. It happens around 5 seconds after entering the world. In the singleplayer works all fine, and thats not in safemode or so. I tried to run as Admin, but it dont worked for me. But when it freezes i can drive and have working sound, only the Picture freezes. My drives are updated. My System - Windows 10 (Is this the Problem?) - I5 4670k @4,5 GHZ - Nvidia Geforce GTX 780 GHz Edition (Gigabyte) - 8GB Ram CL8 1600 MHz (2x4GB) I attached my Log after i selected my Profile. Hope that are enough information to help me. Sorry for my bad english. LogETS2MP.txt
  2. Hello, my friend and i want to do some Jobs together but we never get the same jobs or jobs to the same City. Do you have a Tipp or something how we can get the same Jobs? Our Level is not very diffrent only 1 lvl. Thank you for helping!
  3. Hello, since yesterday my Game is crashing after i entered the world with luck i can drive 500 meters. The Error is obvious but i dont know how to fix this. The Error is something with DirextX9 and if i start it with Steam and select launch with DirextX its working perfect. But so i cant play the Multiplayer I hope you can help me! I attached my game log. My System if you need this for helping me: Intel Core I5 4670k GTX 780 8 GB Ram Windows 7 My drivers are all updatet. And Windows ist updatet too. I hope for help. game.log.txt
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