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C-D Intersection ×


Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by 01X

  1. No this is not correct. I know what you're talking about and that isnt what happened. I would never sit blocking a entrance or exit to a loading zone. I was 100% inside of the non-collision zone and I still took 100% damage What I suspect happened was someone else logged in while I was sitting there and their trailer spawned into my truck somehow.
  2. I was sitting in a non-collision zone while I quickly ran to the restroom after completing a delivery. When I came back my engine was 100% damaged and I noticed a trailer near me that looked like it had spawned and wrecked. This forced me to go out and delete my save file because I couldn't afford a 65,000 dollars repair (I am new truck owner) So basically what happened? how can my truck be 0% damage and then suddenly 100% damage in a non-collision zone?
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