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Veteran Driver V
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Everything posted by ThiNij73

  1. Thanks for the comments, I've tried it all, router was restarted, reset, but it stays, and the other (windows 7) computer works just fine. Also removed the windows update, no succes. Also shut down firewall and antivirus completly, but nothing changed. It worked also just fine on Windows 8.1 till last Friday, again I can play, but without any info (even the red bar if you hit a wrong key, does not show), it is if the overlay does not show or work. I'm going to backup my settings and remove it completly, and reinstall it all, perhaps that will work (I hope). But somewhere in the next weekend, at the moment out of country for work.
  2. Ok, other computer works just fine with Windows 7, must be a Windows 8.1 thing.
  3. I got a simular issue since Friday evening, but more that I cannot see any player names at all, Tab, F11, F9, y doesn't work any more. I don't see if I'm online or offline (well, still online, there are other players ), but total no info screen hitting the Tab key. Still I can play, sometimes ETS2 crashes. I've reinstalled everything, shut down firewall, antivirus etc., but still not working. The only thing happend, my Windows 8.1 did have an update! I'm still trying if this is the problem, but I'm running out of options, but I'll keep trying.
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